Monday, December 29, 2008

Making a List

Each Sunday evening I prepare for the coming week. A part of that process is reviewing a check list of items from a book I read years ago, Creativity in Business by Michael Ray and Rochelle Myers. The list hardly seems appropriate coming from a business book, but I've found the questions to be helpful in centering myself, looking back on what happened in the prior week, and planning for the week ahead. Perhaps these are good questions to consider as we look back on 2008 and prepare for the coming year...

  1. Who or what was my teacher?
  2. What did I learn?
  3. What did my Voice of Judgment say?
  4. What did I observe?
  5. What did I forget?
  6. How did I take care of myself?
  7. What was my relationship to time?
  8. What permission did I give myself regarding emotions?
  9. What did I notice about love?
  10. What truth did I find?

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