Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Meals

One would think that the soup kitchen at Manna offers a very dismal atmosphere. After all, most of the individuals that eat there are dealing with significant life challenges: homelessness, failing health, dismal job prospects, loneliness.

While all that may be true, there is also a positive energy that flows around any table where people are gathered to eat. Life stories are shared, and there is comedy and laughter to be found in both the good and bad experiences. The volunteers that serve are a real treasure. They share their lives as well that at times came mirror the circumstances of those at the table. And there are also staff members that will sit at the table - listening to the guests, sharing their concerns and connecting with them at a deep, human level.

There are times when the meals are quiet, reflecting a contemplative mood. But more often than not, there is more joy in the meals served at Manna than could be found in any "Happy Meal" anywhere...

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