Monday, September 20, 2010

It's Free???

The woman came in Manna's door, looking confused. She looked to be in her late-60s.

"Can I help you?"
"Someone told me I could come here for food. I live in Hatfield and have been having some health problems." She held up her cane. "I had to give up my car because of the medical bills, so it's been hard for me lately. I'm really hungry"
"There are two food cupboards closer to you; they're in Hatfield - here's the information on how to reach them; but if you're hungry, you're welcome to eat with us now. The food's very good and it's free."
"It's free?" she said, and took off her sunglasses. Her bottom lip began to quiver. "It's free," she repeated, almost a whisper.

Another person, hungry, fed.

Nothing new or different on Main Street...

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