Friday, July 31, 2009


We should be feeling pretty comfortable...
- Food donations to the cupboard have been strong
- Enough funds are coming in to keep us operating
- Volunteers continue to show up to serve

Still, we look over our shoulder...
- Are we doing enough to serve people in need
- Can we utilize our resources more effectively
- Do we provide meaningful opportunities to those who want to serve

A little paranoia can be a good thing. It makes us continually examine what we do and strive to do more...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tom- I have said to others (behind your back) that I think you run one of the most effective and efficient outfits I know on a local level. The many good things you do that don't show up in a news article or on the web site do get seen by more people than you know.

No operation is perfect, and it's the paranoia that keeps us striving for "better", but some people and organizations are already a lot closer to "better" than most.

Craig W.