Unexpected help shows up, well, unexpectedly. We received a phone call from the local Whole Foods store. They're ramping-up a program to help the environment and also nonprofit organizations. The concept revolves around eliminating plastic bags from the waste stream: if you bring in your own shopping bags, they will give you a wooden nickel for each bag. You then have a choice of donating that nickel to a couple of worthy causes.
While the wooden nickel program has been promoted in other Whole Foods locations, it is new to the Montgomeryville store. Since they are in the experimental phase and aren't certain how things will go, they randomly selected Manna on Main Street as a beneficiary (along with a new organization, the Wissahickon School District Nature Center).
Set this along side two other events taking place this weekend. A racquetball tournament to benefit Manna is taking place at Philadelphia Sports Club in Chalfont. In Lansdale, Christ United Methodist Church is holding a concert benefit for Manna. It is these seemingly random choices by various groups that keep us going. It helps reinforce the fact that we don't do this work alone; it is really the community at large that makes our outreach possible.
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