From Jean...
I honestly don’t know what I would have done without Manna on Main Street.
Starting 10 years ago when I was very ill,my friend, Pete, introduced me to Dolly. I had moved into Lansdale, had 2 teenagers to raise while I was going threw a few years of Chemotherapy and spending weeks at a time in Philadelphia Hospital.
I wasn’t expected to live so the doctors slammed me with all kinds of chemotherapy. I was so sick and Dolly kept a close eye on me and my children. Manna helped so much with transportation to the hospital, picking up medications, bringing me food, helping pay bills. For awhile I was unable to get out of bed.
When I could I wanted so much to do something for Manna. I noticed that there was a lot of area I could garden. So much beautiful work is done inside; I wanted to make it beautiful outside. I was still on Chemotherapy so I had to avoid the sun. I usually gardened from 1 am till about 5:30 am, just me and my dog, Sparky.
I put flowers everywhere I could and even ended up putting them around the church.
Without the help of Mana, gardening therapy and the treasured friendship of Dolly. I could have never gone threw what I did, while raising my children (Who are doing great and have given me 5 grandchildren).
The doctors tell me that it is amazing I survived.
I know that without Manna, St. John’s Church, Dolly, friends, my children and especially all of your prayers; I would not be standing in front of this beautiful garden now, 10 years later.
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