Friday, August 8, 2008

A picture is worth...

It seemed appropriate to not have a photo today. While pictures can show us something that is, the lense has not yet proven itself in expressing all the things in our lives. I think about the idea behind the creation of Manna on Main Street, “that everyone might be fed”. We have compelling pictures of needy people being served at the table, and grateful working-poor filling bags with food donated by others. But how we “feed” the community goes beyond that.

Young people come to perform community service. They may have to do it for school or for Scouts or because they got into trouble. We “feed” them by showing them how they can serve and help others; how they can enrich lives by just being there to talk with someone who’s lonely.

A single mom on disability signs up her teenage daughter for the cosmetology class at the local technical school, knowing full well she can’t afford the $300 cosmetology kit that’s required. We cover the cost of the kit, helping pave the way for a girl to pursue her dream of becoming a hair stylist.

He’s in a wheelchair, without a penny to his name. His best friend has died, and he has nothing to wear to the funeral. We buy him a suit.

The stories go on and on. People are in need… we feed them. No pictures, no words, even, can capture it all.

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